Air Conditioner Repair – How to Fix Common Problems
If you’re having a problem with your air conditioner, here’s what you can do. You can replace a relay or circuit board, fix a capacitor, and check the 24v coil. These are just some of the common problems and how you can fix them. If you can’t figure out the problem, you’ll want to call an air conditioner repair service company. They will be able to help you. But if you need to get your unit up and running right away, there are other options.
Repairing a capacitor
If your air conditioning system has a damaged capacitor, it might be time to replace it. A capacitor resembles a large battery with wires running to it that connect it to the AC. Attempting to replace a capacitor yourself can be a dangerous task, and it’s best to hire a professional to handle the work. First, make sure the power is turned off. Otherwise, you risk receiving an intense shock or electrocution.
Replacing a relay
If you are a homeowner who needs to replace the Air Conditioner Repair relay on your air conditioner, you can easily do it yourself. Relays are the electrical components that transfer electricity throughout an air conditioning unit. The first step in replacing a relay is to disassemble the unit. Most air conditioning units have a disconnect box that is about 3 feet from the control panel. To replace a relay, follow these steps:
Replacing a circuit board
Replacing a circuit board for air conditioning repair can save you between $500 and $1,000. You can buy a good quality replacement for a fraction of the cost of an expensive air conditioning repair. Before you begin, you should inspect your air conditioner thoroughly for damage. Generally, older circuit boards are more prone to faults, and the contact points are weak. Fortunately, there are a few easy steps to help you replace a circuit board.
Checking the 24v coil
To diagnose the problem, check whether 24v is coming across the coil. If so, the coil is open. If not, use a multimeter on its ohm setting to check the resistance of the coil. If the reading is below 0.0 ohm, the coil is closed and you need to replace it. To fix the problem, you can also replace the contactor and the 24v coil separately.
Replacing a contactor
If you’re in the market for air conditioner repair, you might be wondering if you should replace the contactor yourself or call a professional technician to take care of the problem. In most cases, the contactor is easy to replace. The process is straightforward, and you can learn how to perform it from a video online. However, you should be aware of the dangers of working on an AC capacitor.