The Activity Map (also known as Click Map) is a very handy dimension within Adobe Analytics that can help you understand where your website visitors, or ‘clickers’ as we call them, go on your pages. Not only does it come with its own dedicated user interface, but it also comes with a range of other dimensions and metrics to help you understand more about your web audience.
Activating and implementing Activity Map across your website can be a bit tricky, so we’ve created this guide to help you get started. You’ll need to enable it through your Adobe Experience Cloud account and ensure that access is assigned to users or groups via the Adobe Analytics user administration console. Once you’ve done this, you can then use the ‘Search’ tool in Chrome Web Development Tools to search forĀ The Activity Map module on a page to confirm that it’s being implemented and passing link tracking data.
Involving students in the process of creating and discussing their maps is a great way to help them develop their understanding of location, and of how their work contributes to the overall classroom community. This activity also helps them build confidence in their ability to discuss what they’re doing in a broader context.
Consider using a simple butcher’s paper map of the classroom to introduce students to the concept of ‘location’ and’movement’. Have students describe where different objects are in the room and then place them on the correct location on the map.
Explain that the map is a small model of something that’s really much larger. Ask students how they could make the model car in the classroom fit on the map.
The Activity Fit Map can be a great way to help you spot orphan activities within your organization that have no relationship with any of your core value propositions or differentiation strategies. This can include anything from HR’s hobby horse to an operations department that doesn’t even care about customers or their success.
Identifying these orphan activities can be difficult, but the Activity Fit Map will help you to start looking at them differently. You can then start to look through your customers’ eyes and spot the activities, products or services that they are most interested in.
You can then hone your strategy around those activities and how they fit with the rest of your company’s values to create a strong competitive advantage.
One of the best ways to start is to consider the ‘Benefits’ associated with your current value proposition or the new value proposition you are introducing. Getting people to think about these benefits as early in the change process as possible influences how everyone approaches and talks about the changes that they are making, and it also enables teams to better evidence the impact of their work.
The benefits of your value proposition can be broken down into three categories: Economic Benefits, Intangible Benefits, and Efficient Benefits. While economic benefits are the most visible, intangible benefits are harder to measure and can be more difficult to prove. In addition to demonstrating how the value proposition is being delivered, these types of benefits can also help you to identify opportunities for innovation or enhancements that can be applied to your value proposition.