Christian Science Nursing at Wide Horizon Hospital

Christian Science nursing is the practice of providing spiritual reassurance and skilled, non-medical, physical care for individuals who are relying on Christ Jesus’ healing ministry as recorded in The Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings. It is a religious vocation that has evolved over the past century into a system of treatment based on prayer, not medication.

The Christian Science nurses at Wide Horizon are dedicated to the principles of Christian Science, and as such they are committed to promoting the health and well-being of their patients. They work together to provide a comfortable and homelike environment, with attention to the patient’s individual needs and comfort.

Our Christian Science nurses are all fully trained and highly qualified, with decades of experience serving patients across the country. They are held to the same standard of confidentiality regarding patient information that the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy (Article 8, Section 22) requires of Christian Science Journal-listed practitioners. All new patients are given a preliminary visit, including an explanation of services and a full needs assessment. There is 3-way communication between our Christian Science nurse, the patient and the practitioner throughout the process of the treatment.

At Wide Horizon, Christian Science nursing care is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is provided by our staff of Christian Science nurses. In addition to providing care for outpatients at the hospital, our Christian Science nurses also travel and provide private-duty nursing. During an outpatient stay, a private-duty Christian Science nurse can help with daily tasks such as bathing and dressing wounds; commoding and changing bedding; helping the patient move about or change position; assisting with eating and drinking, and cleaning, bandaging and covering wounds.

Aside from their professional training, Christian Science nurses are committed to a deep understanding of the teachings of Christ Jesus and Mrs. Eddy. They are cheerful, orderly, punctual, and receptive to God’s love and guidance.

It is their joy to serve the needs of those who are relying on prayer for healing and want assistance with daily activities, such as reading the Bible Lesson Sermon and studying the writings of Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy, as well as attending services and listening to online Christian Science church lectures and podcasts. They can also help the patient to pray, and to find support through the Bible and The Mother Church publications. In this way, they help to affirm that healing is always present and possible. This is the true meaning of Christian Science nursing, as described in the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Edythe Eddy. For more information, please contact the Office of Christian Science Nursing Activities at The Mother Church. A brochure about Christian Science nursing is also available. It includes information on the qualifications of Christian Science nurses and what they can and cannot do for patients. Click here to download a copy.